UPDATED ON 14/09/2024
Christmas Karate class - Hampton Dojo!

Christmas Karate class – Hampton Dojo!

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What a wonderful way to end the year! We had a fantastic Christmas Karate class at our Hampton Dojo, full of fun, challenges and surprises!

2023 punches/blocks/kicks!

We started with a warm-up and then moved on to our main goal: to complete 2023 punches/blocks/kicks before the end of the class! This was a great way to test our stamina, endurance and spirit. We counted together and cheered each other on as we did the techniques. We did it!

Special awards from Sensei Gabi and Santa

After the hard work, we had a special ceremony where Sensei Gabi and Santa gave us some awards and gifts. We were so happy and grateful for their recognition and generosity.

A very special guest: Pikachu of Peterborough

But that was not all! We also had a very special guest who came to support us: Pikachu of Peterborough! He joined us for the last 112 punches and gave us a lot of energy and smiles. He also posed for some photos with us and gave us some hugs. Thank you, Pikachu!

Student of the Month: Millie Parsons

One of the awards that we received was the Student of the Month for December. This award went to Millie Parsons, who joined our Dojo in September and has shown amazing progress and passion for Karate. She passed her first grading and can do head-level kicks! She is always attentive, respectful and eager to learn. Congratulations, Millie!

Student of the Year: Emily Moise

The most prestigious award that we received was the Student of the Year for 2023. This award went to Emily Moise, who is a true example of our club values. She is always respectful, dedicated and passionate about Karate. She comes on time, listens carefully and tries her best in every class. She has improved her skills and confidence tremendously. She was so happy and moved when she received the award that she cried tears of joy. Well done, Emily! You make me proud to be your Sensei!

Thank you and Merry Christmas!

Today was one of those days when I lack words and just want to say the BIGGEST THANK YOU for being my students! You are all amazing and I am so lucky to have you in my Dojo. You make me happy every time I see you practice Karate with enthusiasm and respect. You have grown so much this year and I can’t wait to see what you will achieve next year.

I wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Enjoy your holidays and stay safe!

Sensei Gabi

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